Disaster struck Friday night as someone (naming no names) forgot to close the door to the chicken pen. All that was left on Saturday morning were a few feathers and a probably very full fox somewhere.
We were all a little bit gutted as they were doing so well and had improved so much in the few months we had them! At least they got to experience the free-range life if only for a short while.
It did, however, give us the opportunity to rescue some more ex-cage birds, and my parents went out on Sunday and came home with three new girls for the chicken pen.
My little brother, who never wears shoes if he can help it, was not being much help.
Our new hens are called Belinda, Betsy and Beryl (because they are the 'B' flock) and are doing nicely. They seem much healthier than the first two we rescued, and have already started laying eggs for us.
Spring is fast approaching, with the days slowly getting longer. We've had a lot of rain, which has meant the garden has got a bit neglected and the weeds have gone into overdrive. I haven't been able to keep up with working on the veg patch as getting up and down from kneeling has been difficult for a while now!
Somewhere in this mess are some squash plants. I'm hoping there will be some huge squash fruits but more likely the snails have got them.
Meanwhile Nick has made it his mission to grow a lush lawn on this bare patch next to the patio, and has sown 6kg of grass seed here.
Surprise snowdrops have sprung up under this tree.
And all the rain has got the little stream at the end of the garden running again. We even saw some ducks in it the other day (although the naughty cats scared them off).